Agents: Agents for TRIColor may earn up to 30% of the profit the company will receive on any
transaction. To request information about becoming an agent for TRIColor, please contact us via e-mail
at, All requests concerning this matter must be made only via e-mail as information
will not be provided neither by phone nor text. We will contact you soon after we receive you request
along with your contact information. Once your status is approved, you will receive your agent's
credentials, business card, company e-mail, etc. and a samples package.
Brokers: Brokers are always welcomed. As a broker you would receive special pricing on our already low
priced high quality products and services. Although we may suggest retail pricing, it is entirely up to you
how you price the products and services we provide to you. Please contact us via e-mail at, to request more information about our brokers program.
Thank you for making TRIColor Productions your preferred Design and Marketing Firm.
"Our goal is to help you achieve yours"