Fine Arts & Design Tutoring & Mentoring:
Private Art & Design Lessons for All Levels
Magnet Schools Auditions & Potfolio Preparation
Visual Arts Advanced Placement Courses Mentoring:
AP Studio Art Drawing, 2D and 3D Portfolio
Portfolio Review & Preparation for Colleges and Universities

Visual Arts Advanced Placement Courses:
AP Studio Art is a series of Advanced Placement Courses divided into three different categories: AP Studio Art Drawing, AP Studio Art 2D, and AP Studio Art 3D. These courses provide college credits to passing students, but can be challenging without the help of an appropriate mentorship.

Magnet Schools:
Tricolor's staff offers over 20 years of experience with the Magnet Schools in Miami Dade County. Magnet schools are public schools with specialized courses or curricula. There are magnet schools at the elementary school, middle school, and high school levels. Some are called magnet schools, where every student on campus is a magnet student, such as New World School For The Arts, Design and Architecture Senior High School and Mast Academy in Miami Dade County, Florida. Others are magnet programs within a community school, "schools within a school", as is the case with the magnet program at South Miami K-8 Center, South Miami Community Middle School, Shouthwood Middle and many others in Miami Dade County.

Some magnet schools have a competitive entrance process, requiring an entrance examination, interview, or audition. Other magnet schools select all students who apply or use a lottery system, or a system combining some elements of competitive entrance and a lottery. TRIColor's experience in the field helps potential magnet students feel more prepared at the time of audition.

Visual Arts Education | Tutoring & Mentoring
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